This week marks the second anniversary of Delphine Rankin becoming the CEO of One Family Illinois. In honor of this special occasion, Delphine had some words to share:

Dear friends,
I am honored to celebrate two incredible years as the Chief Executive Officer of One Family Illinois. Reflecting on this journey, I’m filled with gratitude for the dedication, resilience, and shared passion that each of you brings to our mission of “uniting communities and empowering individuals and families to achieve stability, resilience, and independence.”
Year one was a milestone as we laid the foundation through strategic planning, setting the course for our future, and outlining our path to impact. Then, in year two, we embarked on an inspiring rebranding journey, refining our identity to ensure that our mission resonates deeply with the communities we serve.
These achievements are a testament to the unwavering commitment and collaborative spirit of our team, board members, and each supporter who keeps our mission at heart. Together, we have transformed aspirations into actions and created a powerful platform for change.
To everyone who supports One Family Illinois, thank you. Your dedication and belief in our vision inspire me daily, and I am grateful to be on this journey with you.
Let’s celebrate this milestone together and look forward to many more years of shared success!
With heartfelt thanks,
Delphine F. Rankin, CEO of One Family Illinois