Become an One Family Illinois Volunteer
Volunteers play a vital role in the development of our children. By sharing your time and talent, you
can help change a child’s life. Are you ready to make an impact?
To become a Volunteer at One Family Illinois, please complete the following Volunteer Application and send an email to with “Volunteer Inquiry” in the subject line or submit an inquiry form through our website here.
*Our volunteers undergo extensive background checks, screenings, and comprehensive training to ensure the well being of our
children. Please know that these processes may delay volunteer start dates.
Volunteer Opportunities

In-Person Tutors
Children in foster care are typically at a distinct academic disadvantage resulting from frequent disruptions and placement changes. Tutors play a critical role in providing targeted one-on-one tutoring, giving children the instruction, support, and attention needed to improve academically.
All One Family Illinois Tutors must undergo a background check, express sensitivity to the cultural and socioeconomic characteristics of clients and staff, as well as other qualifications. In-Person Tutors must also take a TB test and show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

Event Volunteer
Help One Family Illinois carry out an event by being an Event Volunteer for upcoming One Family Illinois events. To become an event volunteer at One Family Illinois, please send an email to with “Volunteer Inquiry” in the subject line.
Guest Speakers?
Is your company or community organization looking for a guest speaker? Perhaps your group has a community service initiative, or is looking for a project to get people involved in helping those in your community?
If so, we would be happy to schedule a One Family Illinois guest speaker for your next event or meeting. Our presenters are dynamic, warm and passionate about their work and include One Family Illinois staff, volunteers, and members of SOS Children’s Villages Illinois’ Board of Directors.
Help us spread the word about One Family Illinois as we help One Family Illinois children grow into self-reliant, productive adults. Our speakers are bound to leave an impact on your group. To schedule an One Family Illinois Village Voice Speaker, please Contact Us.