We are all agents of peace and gratitude—and that holds true year round.
The holiday season is just nearly upon us and the end of the year is soon to follow. It is natural to reflect, as one year winds down into the next, on what has happened in the months before.
We cannot help but think of the tragedies and losses we have seen in 2016 and how Chicago communities have been impacted. We are deeply aware of and concerned about the impact these events have on the brothers and sisters in our care and all youth in the Chicagoland communities we serve.
That is why as the holidays approach, we want to provide our youth a peaceful and joyful experience. We also hope to teach them, by example, the importance of being active players in paying generosity forward to others along with graciously receiving it every day of the year.
From now until the end of the year, One Family Illinois staff and community will think about and share the ways in which we can ensure peace during the holidays and extend this further toward positively impacting our larger communities on a daily basis.
We welcome you to join us in being mindful of how we can all impact change for the better. Whether by joining a global day of giving on Giving Tuesday, taking a step to make the holiday season meaningful for others, or forging partnerships that are inspired by a dedication to the well-being of all children, we are all agents of peace, change, and paying gratitude forward.